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Commerical/Residential Roofline Estimates

Our Design Specialist will set up a time to personally visit your property and go over design options that will increase your property visibility from all accessible streets. During that visit, we also evaluate the power supply available, roof access, and ladder access points for a seamless installation.


We will send you a guaranteed proposal along with a property map outlining where the lights will be installed.


Summer is the perfect time for us to come out to your property! The weather is perfect for us to do any clip installations or repairs on existing clips on your property.

Installation, Removal, and Maintenance

Our team is fully equipped with the proper safety gear and training. Before installing the lights, the team is debriefed with the sitemap and all the materials and tools to properly complete the installation.


If at any point during the holiday season your property requires maintenance, please call our home office to schedule a service call. We are open Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm 844-999-0333. We also have an after-hours emergency contact for your convenience.


After the holiday season, our team will come out to your property and take down all the holiday lighting. Your lights are stored in our warehouse free of charge until next season!

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